Indie pattern stores in EU

This is a list of stores in the EU that sells indie sewing paper patterns online. I hope it is in no way complete, I have put it together from researching stockists from different brands who post them openly. Feel free to suggest additions to the list in the comments. This is a list of EU sellers, post Brexit so no UK companies.

I have come to the conclusion that buying things from the UK after Brexit is no longer an option. I did order a pattern from a UK company on the 18th of January and it got sent the same day. I live in Sweden, a EU country and before Brexit a package would take a maximum of 7 days. The pattern I orded in January are still stuck in the tax system. I know the parcel is in Sweden now, and that I paid for it on Thursday the 11th but still no pattern in my mail and it’s been 26 days since it was sent.

What I also do not know if people are aware of is that there is now a tax on parcels sent from the UK. So in addition to waiting 26 days I had to pay 36 SEK in taxes which is not so much (3,57 Euro), but in addition to that I had to pay a 75 SEK service fee for them billing me for the tax (7,44 Euro). So in total I had to pay 109 SEK extra for a pattern that cost me 226 including shipping. So in total it landed on 337. After all this hassel, let’s be real I should just get PDF patterns. But I also really like paper patterns. So that is why I have started this list!










Why I orded make it simple!

I love looking at clothes. It is a kind of guilty pleasure browsing online clothing stores  and not buying anything. I try to limit my new clothes to a minimum if not made by me. At the beginning of this year I have really wanted some new clothes and felt that everything I own is wrong. But I know that is mostly in my mind and I push through it.

But from browsing one of my favorite stores I realised a lot of the thing I loved really is so similar to all the patterns in Tilly and the buttons new book “Make it simple!”

So for everyone else who also wanted to know how to make everything from monki and put it in their own wardrobe, here is the comparison between the patterns and the items I loved. And also for me to remember, when it shows up at the end of february.

The 100 days project

Or “How I am getting my creative time back”.

I am a happier person when I make something. So why have I not done that much lately? Mostly because we have moved apartments and a lot of things have been going on. And that is great, but I need to make things again and I need to take the time for it.

So when I heard about the #The100DayProject I thought it would be a great way to get back in to my making habits again. You can read a lot about the 100 day project over on their site. But the easy explanation is do something for 100 days, and share it somewhere.

I wanted to make it easy for me, and not put so much pressure on what, where and how much. So my goal is to sew, knit or cross-stitch for 10 minutes everyday just for the joy of making. If I come out of this project with nothing to show you, but I have still sat down for at least 10 minutes everyday and given my self that peace and quiet I will be happy.

At first I thought about only sewing, but I realized that I am going to be away from my apartment quit a lot this 100 days and I do not like to hand sew.

Problem number two. Right now this is my sewing-room


So a part of this will also be actually fixing the sewing room, so that I can start sewing something in there. It became the room lowest on the list when moving, but now it is the only one that is not usable so it is time to tackle it.

I hope this will bring me more joy, and also some nice clothes to be honest. Hoping to be able to cross of a couple of things on my make nine list and also learn something new.

And let’s be honest. This might be the kick I needed to sit down and blog again. Who knows if that will continue, maybe. I will share the project in my Instagram stories, and posting finished items on my feed. I hope to blog about the outcome at the end. So let us start, and see where it brings me!

You can follow along at Instagram @saramadethat

Welcome 2018, I think I am ready for you

It’s been quit a long time since I wrote anything here, but good news I am still alive.

My life goes up and down and sometimes blogging is not where I can use my energy, but this year is starting of a bit wierd and I happen to have quit som more time on my hands and I hope that I can take the time to actually blog some more.

I have been present on instagram, and if you want to seee my makes before they show up here I would follow me there on @saramadthat. Here are a montage of my most liked photos on instagram from 2017, thank for all the likes and feedback on instagram.


So let us start of the year with some blank sheets and plans for 2018. This year I am going to take part in the Sew my style challange and make the same pattern as a lot of other awesome makeres every month. You can read more about the challenge here. To also shrink my fabricstash and actually use the fabrics I got because I actually wanted them, I have decided to for all the patterns I can I will use fabrics in my stash. Looking forward to trying out more patterns and some I might not have choosen for my self.

I also decided to do the #2018makenine challenge by Rochelle from Home Row Fiber co. Mostely to have some plans, and also because I love the planning of sewing as much as the sewing sometime. Here are the makenine I choosen scroll down for the info and some thought on why I choose them.


The top row is first a Cleo from Tilly and the buttons. I have already made one of them in 2017 and it is one of my most worn makes for 2017. I want at least one more and I might make som small changes. I think you should always try to make a pattern 2 times to get some more out of the pattern.

The Style 2079 is a vintage pattern I bought right before christmas on etsy after seeing this post by Katie makes a dress. It looks like the perfact culottes dress and I want one for summer. I call the pattern vintage because it is from 1991 and I am born in 1992, so..

I have owend the perl shift dress from Grennbee patterns for a long time now and not made any. It is time. I think the simpel design makes it perfect for almost any fabric and also for someone who wears dresses all year round almost everyday it is a good everyday dress.

The second row is first the Blackwood cardigan from Helens Closet. A long cardigan to layer over dresses would be a good thing for my closet.

I have made the Moneta dress 4 times, but it is room for more. This easy knit dress with pocekts is perfect to wear every day.

The last one I put on here is the Lizzie skirt from Sew Over It. I think the skirt would look good in so many different fabrics, and I can make it lined and unlined for a great look.

On the bottom row I did put in three knitting patterns. I learnt how to knit this fall, and have so far kept to simple things like scarfs and headbands. But now I have moved on and I am planning to make som real knitted garments this year.

First is the Lolasweater from HipKnitShop, second the Dagnydress by Pikcels Oslo and the third is the Festivalscarf from HipKnitShop as well.

I hope that in a few months I have actually finnished some of this items and that I will have more time for sewing and actually take the time so sew some more this year! Happy new year everyone, lets hope it is a good one.

Other peoples makes I loved in August!

Now fall is coming for real here in Oslo. The weatherreport says no sun for the next 10 days. It kind of sucks, but it is also a good reason to stay inside and sew all the things.

August did not give time for much sewing. But i finnished a lemon dress for sewcialist. You can check it out here. I also made a small make-up bag for my  grandmothers 75th birthday. But other then that it has been work and some changes that have taken some time.

Luckely for me, you guys did not let me down this month. Here are some of the things I loved this month.

What other people blogged in August, that I really loved!

I love this fabric and dress combination from Katie

Fabric twinning with Helen who made this awsome kimono, in the same fabric I wore to a weddding this summer

Talking about Kimonos, Amanda made this awsome Asaka kimono from a liberty crepe de chin

These linen pants are just so good, from Lucky sew and sew

Also this polka dot lilou dress from the petit passions should be a dress we all have in our wardrobe

Here are some blog posts I really liked, that did not include makes but you might like and inspire you anyway:

I have listend to the ‘Love to sew’ podcast from Helen and Caroline and it is great, the sound quality is one of the best I have herad from a pod that is not actually a radio show

Check out the round-up posts from sewcialist tributemonth one, two and three. So many lovely makes

This post is just her regular videos, but i wanted to share my favourite sewing vloggger. Rosabella Angelica from sewn.

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Ideas for Sewing the scene!

So The Unfinished Seamstress has launched this Instagram challenge called Sewing the Scene. Go check her out to read all the details.


I am really inspired, and thought I should share a post of some of my ideas so far, and the patterns that would go with.

I really love Wes Anderson movies, because they are different stories with interesting characters. But also because I love the aesthetics of his movies. So no wonder that several of my ideas include Wes Anderson movies.

My first inspiration is Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom in her pink 60’s inspired dress. I think the Françoise by Tilly and the buttons would be a good pattern pick for that dress.


To just get all the Wes Anderson movies and Tilly and the buttons comparisons out of the way. My next one is the practical but fun dress of Mrs. Fox from Fantastic Mr. Fox. This dress could be recreated with the Martha dress also from Tilly and the Buttons. You can add a pocket in the front to make it look more like the dress, or leave it off for an inspiration that might be more wardrobe friendly.

ms. fox + marta

How about using this challenge, to also fill a gap in your wardrobe? Margot in The Royal Tenenbaums is just too cool. How about recreating her slip dress in Butterick 6031.


I also love sitcoms, they are perfect to watch while sewing, because it does not really matter if you miss some small details. I love Jess from New Girls style, and would love to own her entire closet. Hos about a cute shirt dress, made from the McCall 6696

zoey shirt

Jess also wears the cutest pajamas’s so you can try to make your own with the Closet Case Patterns Carolyn Pajama.


I also love that 90s fashion is back in style, and would love to come back to the flared jeans. Nobody wears them better then Sophia from Girlboss. Luckely for us, Closet Case got us covered again and you can find some red demin and make your own using there Ginger Flared Jeans Pattern.


6 ideas might be enough for today. But if you liked this post, and would want to see more ideas before the 15th of October, leave me a comment. I would love to make more of this kind of posts.

Follow my Sewing the scene pinterest board for more fun ideas. 

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A flora dress in floral!

Pattern: Flora dress from by hand london
Fabric: A rayon from blackbird fabrics

This summer we were invited to a wedding. We beeing me and this guy I choosen to live my life with ❤ And I knew I wanted to sew up my dress. This year I am totaly upping my  game with more woven fabric garments, and this dress had some new challanges for me.

The dress has a lined bodice, and an invizblezip, a circelskirt and I added pocekts.

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I made it in the patternsize 10/14, and did no alterations to the size. But i did put in in-seam pocekts, bacause all dresses should have pocekts. I used the pocekt pattern piece from Love at first stitch, by Tilly Walnes.

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The dress turned out like I wanted it, and was a fun dress to dance around in at a wedding.

DSC01216 (2)

I also went cute-couple overboard and made my boyfriend a matching bowtie. I used the free patternpiece and tutorial from Professsor pincushion. I did change the seamallowence from 1 to 0,5 cm on the part you tie, after makeing the first one to small.


Here is a picture of us looking matching togheter this summer.

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Other peoples makes I loved in July!

It’s the end of July, the beginning of August. In many ways it feels like the beginning of fall, but I am hoping for at least two more weeks of summer.

I was only home for 9 days of July and did not have all the time in the world, but I managed to make a toile and a dress to be a wedding guest. So look out for a post about that coming this month.

Luckily for me a lot of you guys made awesome things for me to look at, so let’s check out other peoples makes and posts!

What other people blogged in July, that I really loved!

This bikini and beach-coverup from Sewredy! I would love to look like a mermaid.

This lovely fun floral Orla by Carmen.

I am totally fan-girling over self assembly required, and want to make everything Emily makes. But who does not love a midi-skirt in pink?

Jessicas valley blouse made me doubt I pattern I had totally decided was not for me.

Here are some blog posts I really liked, that did not include makes but you might like and inspire you anyway:

The Sewcialistsblog is back, and you should totaly make a #tributemonthmake! Hop over and get inspired. I might show up there this month to 😉

Meg have made this extensive guide to fabricshopping in Bangkok, that made me want to go there! 

This swimwearpattern from Evie la luve seems pretty perfect to me.

If you have a blog I should check out, feel free to leave a comment!

Follow me on Instagram, Bloglovin or put in your e-mail on the bottom of the page to make sure you get the latest update!

My first loved Orla!

Pattern: The orladress by frenchnavynow 
Fabric: Vintage fleemarket find

Two posts in one week, what is up with this blog suddenly!

Inspired by the month of Orla love, I am posting a blog about my first Orla dress. Go check out #anorlaaffair. I first came across the Orla dress on Maddies instagram, when she had made a plaid one that looked like a perfect style. Realising the pattern was free made me not question about making one. But then there is timemanagment and it all was set on hold.

So Me-made-May arraived, and with the month of May also my birthday and som birthdaycelebrations. And the Orla came to life (or was made by me in fabric…)


The fabric is  a fleemarket find, and to me it screamed summer. With a fabric this loud I think a dress with not so much fuss is the right choice. Since the Orla only have to darts in the front, and two in the back it opens for a crasy print. This is a cotton, a bit heavier then a quilting cotton.  The recommended fabrics for the pattern are: Softly draping dress fabrics like Viscose and Rayon. But i would definetly say you can go for a heavier fabric, it just changes the look slightly.


This dress is made exactly like the pattern suggested, no changes. To me it is actually my first dress with an invisblezip and darts, being a knitfabric entusiast. So it was a great way to start of my voven dress journey. The changes I will make for my next Orla is shortening the dress with 2 cm for what I think is a more flattering look. I am 158cm and the dress is desgined to hit above the knee for someone 170 cm.

I will also move the bustdart down a little, I think it hist my chest a bit to high.


I know my bangs looks super wierd in this photos, but my photographer (boyfriend, saying yes to take my photos..) do not take notice of detalis at photoshoots 😉 But I wanted to get this dress out there, and not care about taking more photos. Go make som Orlas now, because this dress is great. I will try to find time for at least one more this month, but I have a wedding-guest dress to attend to first.


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Other peoples makes I loved in June!

How many times do you need to do something before it is a tradition? I do not think 2 is the answer, but my post of other peoples makes are back for the second month in a row. And definitely on it’s way to become a tradition.

I my self have had a month filled up with work, then I went of for a week of family vacation in Italy. I did not finish one single thing in June, and I am only home for two week in July so I don’t know how much I would get done in that time. But on my sewing table right now is a wedding-guest dress and I hope to also finish another Orla dress for #anorlaaffair that you can read about on Maddies blog! (this came in july, but you should totaly check it out and make your own Orla)

On to the makes. What other people blogged in June, that I really loved!

This really nice shirt dress from Judith Dees world! 

I keep telling my self I do not have the time or the need for Charlie Caftan, but you guys should make some! I love this three versions from cookin’ & craftin’ , Did you make that? and Handmade by Carolyn.

This Anna/Zinnia sunflower dress of happiness from Turner’s cloth! 

This red sundress with sumo wrestlers from Almond Rock is just great! 

And last, the Penny dress from Daphne that makes me want all the Penny dresses! 

Here are some blog posts I really liked, that did not include makes but you might like and inspire you anyway:

There is still weather to make shorts, and Helen from Helen’s Closet has gathered all the Indie pattern shorts patterns here.

Everyone loves a free pattern, and when they are super trendy as well! Emily from Self Assembly Required has released and adorable ruffle t-shirt pattern.

Gillian on using lightroom for photos. Is it worth it?


Follow me on Instagram, Bloglovin or put in your e-mail on the bottom of the page to make sure you get the latest update!

The Gabrielle dress

Pattern: Gabrielle from Seamwork
Fabric: Stoff og stil (no longer in stock)

The Gabrielle dress is a pattern from Semawork magazine, in the may issue. I subscribe to Seamwork, but I haven’t made up that many of there patterns lately. But I totally fell for the Gabrielle dress.

From Seamwork:

The Gabrielle dress is a modern take on the classic skater dress. It features a tied back yoke with a cut-out that lets just the right amount of your upper back peek through.

The princess seams and flared skirt provide a flattering silhouette. This dress features a slight scoop neckline that is complimented by sweet cap sleeves. The Gabrielle dress is fitted through the bust and waist, while the flared skirt swings loosely throughout the hips.

I made mine in a size M that corresponded with my messsurments, but would size down if I make it again. And I might make it again the bodice and the cut-out back are a nice design on a skater dress.



I would maybe try to make it a sleeveless dress without the capsleevs, because they keep curling up to the dress on the hem.


In this photo I wear the dress with a strapless bra, and I should have made sure the bra was not visible in the pictures. But to be clear you can se the bra straps if you wear a regular bra, but I don’t really care. You can see it with a regular bra in this Instagrampicture of the dress from me-made-may


I did not try to pattern match this fabric, and since it turned out like this I maybe should have. It kind of looks like I tried and failed miserable. So it might be smart to go for a fabric with a little less print.


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